We have performed over one hundred live concerts with symphony orchestras, including The Philadelphia Orchestra, Buffalo Symphony, Metropolitan Opera Orchestra, Brooklyn Philharmonic, Orchestra DaCamera, Queens Symphony, and many others. Many of our figures are six to ten feet tall, and can be seen in any size concert hall. We usually perform in front of the orchestra. We can either supply the narrators needed, or perform with a narrator of your choice. Aside from our existing orchestral repertoire, we are also available to design and create new pieces for your orchestra. We are currently offering: |
PETER AND THE WOLF (Prokofiev) Uses life size costume characters, giant rod puppets, and Asian style theatre techniques to bring to life the famous adventure of the little boy who catches a wolf. TUBBY THE TUBA (Kleinsinger/Tripp) Introduces the audience to the instruments of the orchestra, their shapes and sounds, by magically bringing them to life through the use of ultraviolet blacklight and glowing fluorescent colors. PEER GYNT AND THE TROLLS (Grieg) Utilizes actors, costume characters, masks, and large puppets to tell story of a young Norwegian boys search for true love. |